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Qingdao Xintongda Plastic Products Co., Ltd.

The trend for paper bags

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At present, many countries have ordered the ban on single-use plastics, packaging materials bear the brunt. The industry related supply chain has to take actions to find alternatives that do not harm the environment and can be mass-produced. “Paper products” in this current wave of plastic reduction will replace plastics as the next wave of new trends, and also bring market opportunities for packaging materials.

Environmental protection organization Two Sides research said that paper is one of the world’s highest recycling rate of products, because of the cost advantage of paper, environmental protection in line with the requirements of circular economy, a high degree of plasticity, and other materials can not match the function of plastic has become the first choice, is also widely used in the field of packaging packaging materials.

Plastic with strong elasticity, stretchable and light and thin popular, and paper products can replace plastic, the use of still have many technical problems to be solved, such as paper is easy to damp and waterproof poor problems, poor barrier used to package food may change the smell of food, in order to solve the paper on water and heat tolerance problems, the industry has invested in the “paper plastic composite material” technology, Using paper combined with plastic film as the basic structure to strengthen the function of paper materials, and through the composite technology to improve the durability and barrier of paper products, so that it has high stiffness, high strength and other characteristics, at the same time with beauty and texture, not only improve the preservation capacity of food, medicine, etc., but also significantly extend the preservation period, meet the requirements of various packaging design and enhance the value of commodities, Therefore, it has become an important application of food, daily necessities, cosmetics, health products and other livelihood packaging. For food, in addition to the fried food and milk drink boxes originally packaged in paper, such as disposable lunch boxes, chocolate and other desserts are also gradually transferred to paper packaging.

In the global pursuit of sustainable development under the mainstream consciousness, paper packaging in the future will be high-strength, lightweight, multi-purpose, multi-substrate as the main axis towards environmental protection and green packaging.

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